Thank you for everything
Thank you very much. This is Tani.

The day has finally come when I will retire from PRANK STORE, which has been supporting me for the past six years since it opened.
First of all, I would like to thank Yagi-san, Kiyan-san, and everyone who has worked with me over the past six years.
To be honest there were times when the atmosphere became awkward and strange while working together, but if anything, a feeling of gratitude remains strong in my heart, and, although it may be a cliche, I hope that the company will continue to prosper in the future.
I think some of you are wondering why I'm quitting, so I'll give you a brief explanation. It's not a funny story about some big trouble or a big fight over a difference in direction, but it's simply because I
I never thought I would have this kind of feeling at this age. Life is so interesting.
Life is always a challenge.
It's a very different future than I envisioned when PRANK first began, but I want to say goodbye to the lazy, half-hearted person I was and go for it with the determination to carve out a path in the dark wilderness with grittiness.
A friend of mine once asked me why I was doing it, saying that there had to be at least one opportunity in my life to make a move, and I now hold these words in my heart as very precious words.
Well, no matter what anyone says, I have vowed to stay involved with PRANK until the end, no matter what form it takes, and I owe a great deal to Mr. Yagi that I have yet to fully repay, so I would like to help in any way I can.
These past six years have been a whirlwind of change, but thanks to all of you watching this, I've been able to live incredibly rich and fulfilling days. I love you!!!
So, thank you very much to everyone who has been involved through PRANK STORE.
I'm sure we'll meet again somewhere soon, so please hold back the tears from your eyes and let's meet again.
I ended with these moving words, but actually, it was extra time or whatever you want to call it...
Originally, June 30th was scheduled to be my last day at work, but I still have work at PRANK STORE that I need to see through to the end, and I thought it would be unmanly to leave it and go against the obligations I've had up until now, so I'll only be working a few days in July. lol
The working day is
July 16th (Tuesday)
July 21st (Sunday)
July 27th (Saturday)
So, if you weren't able to see us this month, I would be so happy if you could come and see us.
See you next time!!